If you’ve been injured in an accident due to the negligence of another person or company, then you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent you in a lawsuit. Personal injury is one of several areas of law that enables individuals to recover damages for property damage, injury to the body or mind, and loss of reputation caused by the negligent acts of others. These injuries can be minor or catastrophic. The extent of your injuries will determine the amount of compensation you may receive in a settlement or judgment.
Your attorney will start by performing a liability analysis. This involves reviewing statutes, case law, and common law to establish a valid reason to sue. This could involve proving that the defendant committed an act that was considered careless or negligent. In other cases, your attorney may need to prove that a defendant committed an intentional or wrongful act.
In addition to gathering evidence, your attorney Accidental injury lawyer will also interview witnesses, review photos and videos of the scene, and hire accident recreation experts if necessary to get more information about how your accident occurred. They will also request a copy of your medical records to determine the extent of your injuries. They will work with your doctors to assess your injury severity using the Abbreviated Injury Scale, a standard system that classifies injuries based on anatomical location and the degree of damage. Your doctor will also provide a disability score and a long-term prognosis, helping your attorney to establish the financial impact of your injuries on your life.
Financial damage includes hospital bills, future medical expenses, lost earnings and diminished earning potential, transportation costs to medical appointments, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Your attorney will also seek a narrative medical report from your treating physician(s) that describes your injuries, treatment, initial diagnosis, and prognosis. They will include this information in your demand for compensation.
If the insurance companies involved in your claim refuse to cooperate or offer you a fair settlement, your attorney will file a lawsuit. This formalizes legal theories, allegations, and damages information and often motivates defendants to settle a case.
Your lawyer will negotiate on your behalf with the insurance company, attempting to secure a satisfactory settlement that is in your best interests. If negotiations fail, your attorney will prepare for trial.
A personal injury lawsuit can take time to resolve, but your lawyer will fight for you every step of the way. They will be available to answer any questions you have about your case and keep you updated on the status of your case. If you have a lawsuit filed against you, you can download our free Form ANSWER-Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death (form PLD-PI-003) to respond to the complaint. Alternatively, you can use the General Denial form. If you want to add a defendant or allege additional damages, use Cross-Complaint-Personal Injury, Property Damage, and Wrongful Death (form PLD-PI-002). Read this form’s instructions carefully before filing.